Thermostat Wars

Recently here in Georgia we experienced all four seasons in a single week: warm and sunny followed by thunderstorms and tornadoes followed by snow, fog, more sun and then rainy and humid. We never know how to dress, much less how to set our thermostat, which in most homes is already a point of contention, as the thermostat determines how comfortable we are in our homes. Recently, a Relay Exchange mom shared with me advice her own mother gave her: remember to be the thermostat in your household, rather than the thermometer.

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Between the Lines

This has been a week of uncertainty and disruption. We are in prayer for all those directly affected by the current health landscape, and for those indirectly affected as well. Some have already lost loved ones, and some are on the front lines serving others. Some are battling illness or anxiety, and still others are working to adjust to a new and more limited routine. The news has been covered with stories, warnings, statistics and advice. In the midst of all of these stories, a familiar passage in Luke jumped out in a new way during a daily reading this week.

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Raising the White Flag

Anyone else need both Jesus and coffee every morning? Anyone else a list maker? Anyone else love to check things off a list? Who likes to check things off in their own timing? Anyone else’s family avoid them until after the daily dose of Jesus and coffee? Don’t answer that one! But, if you answered yes to any of the others, you may have also discovered that in order to work from God’s list and not your own agenda, it is very necessary to get up early and surrender the personal to do list in favor of His. (And to get up early, you may need all the coffee).

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Step by Step

Have you been in a situation lately where you seem to be getting nowhere and making no progress, despite your very best efforts? This comes up all the time in parenting, or in any situation in which you are caring for others. Many times circumstances are beyond our control. Sometimes we are dealing with failed expectations we built for ourselves or for others. Other times it is the frustration of waiting for circumstances or people to change. In those cases of day in and day out caregiving and prayer, we can grow weary and begin to feel very burdened. 

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Pay Attention

More than several years ago, when our older girls were still in elementary school, we were in the Bible study portion of a Relay Exchange lesson and the girls seemed particularly distracted. One of the girls was seated in one of those roly poly TV chairs for kids, and rolled up and back, up and back the entire lesson. Preaching the word--up and back. Talking about application--up and back. Another girl reading out loud from the Bible--up and back, up and back, up and back. At this stage, we were still hustling to finish a lesson hours before we had the meeting, so it was especially unnerving when we seemed to be getting nowhere!

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Camilla Williams Comment
Fostering Engagement

Mid year is a great time to take stock of our groups and make sure we all are fully engaged as mothers or as leaders, or both! Successful small groups have highly engaged people. You can be a group member who is engaged and who encourages other group members to be engaged as well.

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Edward PhillipsComment
This Means War

Recently a Relay Exchange group in Year Four planned an amazing overnight trip for the Friendship event. Despite careful organization and much excitement, in the days leading up to the weekend some of the mothers in the group were plagued with illness, exhaustion, and feelings of defeat. This group was under attack. Recognizing the assault, several of the moms prayed for the group, and God answered. Hearing about the success of the weekend, as well as the battle it took to get there, reminded us that we all need to arm ourselves. 

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Edward PhillipsComment