Fostering Engagement


Mid year is a great time to take stock of our groups and make sure we all are fully engaged as mothers or as leaders, or both! Successful small groups have highly engaged people. You can be a group member who is engaged and who encourages other group members to be engaged as well.

First, every member should know this key truth: you are missed when you are absent. God placed you in your group for a reason, and you are an important part of the group dynamic. When you are absent, the group cannot and will not function as designed. Make sure all of the members of your group know for certain that they are an integral part of how your group connects and grows.

Second, remember that each mother and each child will contribute to the discussions in a manner that is consistent with her personality. Some girls will be quiet and reserved, while others will try to answer every question. This is okay! It is normal for different personalities to respond in different ways during group discussions. 

Third, group jobs should be shared among group members, who will feel more invested as they contribute to the health of the group. For example, both girls and moms can have group responsibilities, such as photographer, girls night out, snacks, etc. If you are a leader, delegate where appropriate. If you are a member, ask how you can help. Healthy groups share responsibilities. 

Fourth, your group should be a size that makes it possible to easily circle up, and mothers and daughters should make a habit of regularly sitting together. Be with your daughter as much as possible during a meeting. Watch her learn, listen to her feedback and contributions, and work together when possible. It’s wonderful to bond with other mothers as well, but make sure your primary focus is on your girl. 

Finally, be a group that consistently prays for one another and that celebrates one another. Consider keeping a prayer journal, and allow the girls to write it in each month. Ask for prayer requests and follow up with one another during the month. Make your group a safe place to ask for help and to celebrate success. 

We are praying for your groups, that each mother and each daughter become fully engaged as we learn more about following Jesus. 

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