The Mother Load

This month many of you will plan a class party, plan a prom, bake cookies for a birthday, celebrate the end of a sports season, celebrate the end of school, make a last minute trip to the store (again!), sign permission slips, make lunches out of nothing, throw together dinner in minutes because someone has practice, drive carpool, try to finish that last project in time, motivate your kids to hang in there, attend a class performance, attend a school play, attend a school conference, try to find an allergy safe treat to send in to snack, buy snacks for that last game, plan a service project, plan a graduation party, buy graduation gifts, try to find an appropriate bathing suit for a teenager, help your child with homework, buy teacher gifts, write thank you notes, encourage your kids to write thank you notes, buy groceries, make breakfast and do laundry more times than you can count. 

Welcome to May! 

Whether you are excited about spring weather or limping into another end of the school year, well done! As you contemplate this month of “Maycember” we hope you truly feel celebrated and seen: you are doing a great work!

We see you Moms! Mothers are important. YOU are important. What you do matters! All the behind-the-scenes, the no one-ever-sees-this trips to the store, the unexpected load of laundry at 10 PM, the staying up late to talk when you are exhausted — WE SEE YOU! And, more importantly, God sees you. What you do matters to us, it matters to your children, and it matters to God.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

We are training up the next generation, and you are your child’s primary influence in the early years. You are your child’s safe place. You are the thermostat in your home. You play a critical role in your home; therefore, you play a critical role in society. You are shaping lives so you are shaping history. You are shaping ideals and worldviews so you are shaping our future. Your work is valuable, your work is needed, and your work is sometimes heartbreaking. And it is always necessary, important and valuable to God. 

Happy Mothers’ Day!