Snapshot of a Group Meeting

When the first Relay Exchange group started in 2007, both of the founders were both working outside (and inside!) the home. They wrote the first lesson, and met ahead of time to practice the bread making and go over all the details. They spent a lot of time making sure their friends, who trusted them with their time, were happy they had signed on for a year of the unknown! By the end of the first meeting, the moms were happily exhausted. You know the feeling: a collapse on the nearest chair and WHEW! The next thing they knew, all the girls were gathered around saying, “Can we do this AGAIN? Next week?” 

They were overwhelmed with how enthusiastic and thankful the girls were. God was so good to encourage them in the words of 6 and 7 year olds. Since that date, we’ve held quite a few meetings, and while the lessons change each month, the basic format stays the same. Groups meet once a month for two hours. Each month there is a time for food and socializing, followed by a brief gathering for announcements and prayer. Then one of the group mothers leads a skill lesson. The skill lessons are a diverse set of activities covering everything from cooking to public speaking to investing to various crafts to nutrition and fitness. Each skill is coupled with a Bible lesson in a way that is memorable to girls and moms alike. At least once a year the group serves their community together. 

We have noticed throughout the years that girls crave community, moms crave community, and the girls notice and appreciate that their moms have chosen to create community together. They notice! They watch how we interact, how we pray for one another, how we support one another, how we celebrate when someone learns a new skill, or discovers a new talent. They participate, they learn how to love each other, they learn how to work out differences, and they learn how to lead. They watch their moms lead and are proud of them! And throughout all of this, they see Jesus at the center of community, of purpose and of leadership. 

Small deposits of time over a long period of time is one of the best investments a mom can make in her daughter. Relay Exchange is one path to doing that. We hope you will help us spread the word or start a group yourself! Head over to or email us at for more information. 

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