Offense and Defense

College football is in full swing and there is much discussion about the relative strengths and weaknesses of various teams’ offensive and defensive programs. A good defense is important to stopping the opposing team’s efforts. Without a good offense, the team won’t gain any ground toward their goal line.

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Out For A Walk

Here in the South the weather has taken a glorious turn over the last month. The leaves are turning, the humidity is in a reasonable range, and the temperatures hover in the 70’s. In other words, perfect conditions for walking! Walking is a great way to get some sun, some exercise, and to catch up with friends. The writers of the New Testament often used the word “walk” to refer to ethical conduct. It clearly refers to an action, not just a state of being.

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Passing on the Main Thing

Paul made it to Rome and was in prison there for a little over two years. During that time he wrote letters to churches he planted on his journeys, and by so doing, ended up authoring a large part of the New Testament. Talk about keeping the main thing the main thing! Paul also wrote to the church in Rome before he went to Rome in person and this letter is the book of Romans.

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Shaking Off the Vipers

Last week, when we left Paul, he and the other members of the ship headed to Rome were shipwrecked but all made it safely to shore. As they dragged themselves onto shore and began to build fires, things for Paul went from bad to worse.

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Shipwrecked but Saved

This week we will continue to follow Paul through the record of his journeys in the book of Acts. In Acts 27, Paul is a prisoner on a ship on the way to Rome. The ship sailed into a severe storm and was caught in the storm for many days. The situation became dire, and they began to throw cargo overboard. No one was eating and they became convinced they were not going to survive. An angel appeared to Paul and assured him they would arrive safely, and Paul passed on the message to the others, offering hope and instructions.

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The Main Thing is the Main Thing

In the book of Acts, we read the story of the early church and we can be captivated and encouraged by the early believers. The accounts in Acts are evidence of what God can do through ordinary people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit and committed to following Jesus. What jumps off the page over and over again is the focus and missional mindset of the early Christians: these were people determined to keep the main thing, the main thing.

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is a gift we give others. For parents, it’s one of the most important things you can do for your children. Intercession differs from supplication, because supplication is mostly asking for things for yourself. When we pray for our own needs, we may be expected to act and to cooperate with God’s good plans for our lives. But intercession is different. Intercession is asking for others and implies the need for Divine intervention. Often when praying for others we are praying over events and situations and people over which we have no control. Therefore, in intercession, we are often the most dependent on the power of God.

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Prayer in Community

It’s powerful to spend time alone in prayer. It’s important and it will change the path and pattern of your life. But gathering to pray will connect you to other believers like almost nothing else.

“And let us take thought of how to spur one another on to love and good works, not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

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Camilla WilliamsComment
Wise Counsel

As we wrap up this month on wise counsel, we are sharing excerpts from interviews of a group of veteran Relay Exchange moms. We asked them for advice about being in a group. We love drawing from the wisdom of this amazing community!

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Wise Reading

This week we compiled a list of some of our favorite resources on parenting. Often, our best resource has been another mom! We also enjoy reading books by experts, and by people a bit ahead of us in this journey.

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Wise Thinking

This month we are focused on the importance of wise counsel. This week we pause to remember that all the wisdom in the world cannot touch the wisdom of God. In the book of Acts, Luke records Paul’s distress at the vast amount of idols being worshiped in Athens. When they arrived in Athens on one of their missionary journeys, they found a city where philosophers gathered for discussion and contemplation of various new ideas, theories, and gods. Paul addresses the crowd in Acts 17:24-31.

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A List

This year, our founders are launching their youngest daughters and in the process, celebrating the parenting journey. This month, as we start the school year, we will focus on wise counsel–to our girls and from other moms.

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

Proverbs 15:22

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