Shaking Off the Vipers

Last week, when we left Paul, he and the other members of the ship headed to Rome were shipwrecked but all made it safely to shore. As they dragged themselves onto shore and began to build fires, things for Paul went from bad to worse. 

“When Paul had gathered a bundle of brushwood and was putting it on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand. . . . However, Paul shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm.”

Acts 28:3, 5 NET

So. Paul survived a false arrest and a mob, he endured waiting for a trial, a terrible storm, a shipwreck, and a guard who wanted to kill all the prisoners so they wouldn’t escape, just to make it to shore and have a viper leap from the fire and “fasten itself” on his hand. This may have been the last straw for many of us. But not for Paul: “Paul shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm.” 

Has this ever happened to you? The last straw? The viper straight from the fire that fastens itself to you? I wonder if we can follow Paul’s example. For us it may be mental stress. A worry that leaps out of the fire of our difficulty and fastens on. We have to learn to shake it off. What must it have taken for Paul to shake off this viper? Courage, conviction and confidence in God. 

Courage to face the viper and not wilt or give up or panic. 

Conviction that was well established: he was driven to complete the task God assigned him. (He had been keeping the main thing the main thing!). 

Confidence in the power of God and of his standing as a redeemed son of God with God’s power working through him.

What will it take for us to shake off the vipers of fear or worry?

Courage to face the root of the issue.

Conviction as to God’s character and goodness, which must be cultivated in advance (you have to keep the main thing, the main thing!).

Confidence that he who began a good work in you will perfect it unto the day of Jesus. 

Praise God that his plans are perfect and cannot fail. When we focus on that truth and keep the main thing the main thing, in the power of the Holy Spirit we can shake off worry and fear. Even when it seems like the last straw.

Camilla WilliamsComment