the eXtra mile
We have exciting news! Relay Exchange, Inc. is piloting a new program for high school girls and their moms so that older girls can “go the extra mile!”
“Go the extra mile.”
Where did this phrase come from? In Matthew 5:41, Matthew records Jesus saying, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.”
What is the human response to being forced to go a mile out of our way? Maybe a little grumbling. Maybe all out complaining! But Jesus is showing us a better way -- Jesus says, not only should you go the first mile, you should go an extra one, too! He is calling upon us to live generously, and to choose to do more, to serve more, and to give more.
We chose the name “the eXtra mile” for this new program because it is all about choosing to live generously. It’s about learning true servant leadership, good teamwork skills, and training ourselves to find and execute opportunities to serve others.
Leadership is influence, and we can have influence when we choose to live with integrity -- when we make sure our actions line up with our beliefs -- when we are others focused, and when we refuse to compare ourselves to others. Secure in their identity in Christ, we want our high school girls to learn to look for opportunities to help others and to be kind.
It is our hope that this program will foster continued connectedness for groups through the high school years, provide leadership opportunities for the girls, and encourage community service together. These groups will also be an avenue for fostering connection between the moms during the high school years when the girls are busier and less available.
Groups will be able to organize and participate in community service efforts, perhaps geared toward organization(s) served by their Relay Exchange groups during Hands and Feet lessons over the years. Unlike Hands and Feet projects, the girls will carry increasing responsibility to plan the projects, providing the girls with leadership opportunities. There is no minimum number of meetings or projects that must be completed, but groups will be asked to fill out a simple form reporting projects to the Relay Exchange website. Finally, mothers in the group are encouraged to meet separately from the girls to discuss parenting issues, to pray for one another, or to participate in a book club geared toward parenting or spiritual growth.
Stay tuned for more information and as always, if you have any questions email us at In the meantime, keep on running!