Above, Beyond and Within
One of the most rewarding opportunities we have is to go above and beyond the expectations someone has, blessing them in the bounty. Some easy ways to do this might be leaving a very generous tip, going out of your way to help a neighbor by cooking dinner for them, running errands for a sick friend, or picking up an extra job at work to help out a coworker who is swamped. How does it make you feel to go above and beyond what someone has asked of you? How does it make you feel when someone else goes above and beyond for you? This is what God does for us all the time.
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”
Ephesians 3:20 MSG
Paul is saying: I asked God for all these things and I know He can do even more than that.
God’s habit is to go above and beyond for us.
God can do more than we ask or think
God is working in us through the power of His Spirit.
God’s power is limitless.
God accomplishes His purposes in us and through us through our transformation.
God is glorified in our transformation.
Above, beyond and transformed from within. What a mighty God we serve.